In The Summer of 1994...
AcoustiHouse was imagined by Singer / Songwriter / Composer - Thom Sequoia. Thom had just finished working in radio for the last few years on a joint venture called the Student Underground Network - S.U.N. AM960. Thom had partnered with Music Director & DJ Sean Thumbs (Sean Zeibarth) from X96 FM, and DJ Brian Freeman from KBER FM.
The radio station KOVO AM960 was at the time the AM sister in the same building with the recently started X96 FM. (Featuring Radio From Hell's Bill Allred, Kerry Jackson, and Gina Barbieri. And DJ's Todd Nukem', Mike Summers, and Jimmy Chunga). While at the station, Thom took over and ran, and then owned for several years the popular radio program "Sounds Of Sunday". He also produced and hosted several radio programs live on air , including Sunday Folk, Eye On The Arts, and The New Aging Thing and All That Jazz.
Soon after, Thom started working in management at a new Barnes & Noble Superstore, and helped set up the store from the ground up. Thom worked over the next three years as a Music Manager, Operations Manager, and then a Merchandising Manager at the company. While there, Thom developed a system for selling and promoting recorded music from local, regional, and natinal Independent Bands and Artists. That system was used as a model for B&N Superstores across the company.
As a result, Thom founded Acoustihouse Concerts and began to promote independent Bands & Artists' music through concerts and live performances, and ensure they got paid fairly.
All About Us
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Our Team Is Awesome
AcoustiHouse has always had a dedicated team of individuals working hard to create, plan, and execute all of the intricate details that go in to presenting a concert event, concert series, or festival stages, as well as concert promotion partners, live sound companies and engineers, and corporate sponsors who are dedicated to creating a memorable music event for fans and music lovers.
After 30 years we'd like to say a huge thank you to all our staff, sponsors, bands and artists, fans, local festivals, and music venues.
Bringing You The Best Band & Artist Performances, Innovative Concert Series, and Premium
Music Events & Festival Stages Since 1994!
More About Thom Sequoia & Other Music Projects ...
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